Den building

It's the actual birthday for the eldest - 5 whole years - and we've crammed quite a lot in there (I won't list the number of house moves!) 

Work all morning for me (4.30 -12), I managed to have a really productive 'day', achieving a few things, had some praise from the Head of the prep school, and two other people offer to help with things.  

After work, I snuck in a quick run, then had a lovely time with the boys.  This included building the rocket, which is quite complicated and ended up with tears as I explained to the eldest that he couldn't use the huge piece of cardboard he wanted to have taped to the back of our 'rocket' as as a platform for his favourite toy.  And then when I got round that, the 'seatbelt' I fashioned was deemed too small - more tears... That is what happens when you wake up at 5.30 and don't take the advice of your parents to go back to sleep.... 

We headed up to the woods for hot chocolate and den building - it's just the perfect way of whiling away an afternoon 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The Chief Operating Officer bursting into tears when I called - I'm not grateful that she is in tears, but I'm grateful that we have shared frustrations with work
A husband who makes me go for a run, because he knows I'll feel better for it
Enjoying den building with the boys, it's such a nice way to switch off and relax (and the boss didn't call in the middle of it this time!) 

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