Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Seeing the Light

But maybe not at the end of the tunnel yet ...

The sun shone, though the chilly east wind is still swirling around. The usual Monday chores, plus a bit of weeding.  We had to go out  to post some birthday cards, and stopped off on the way to take our exercise, a walk in the woods at Harestanes.

The bluebells are past their best, and the wild garlic is taking over. The rapefields are approaching peak goldenness. Lambs are big and bold now, and their mothers looking as if they will be glad to shed their winter overcoats.

 It was so cold last night the the drizzle turned for a moment to sleet. Still no proper rain, the sky today was deep blue with a few fluffy clouds It's hard to know what season we are in.

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