
By stujphoto

Experimenting with Polar Coordinates

As there has been quite bit of talk lately in photographic circles about the polar coordinates technique I thought I would give it a try I took a number of shots around the housed and garden to see if any of them wold effective. I had not quite grasped that what  is on the borders of the image become quite central and the central focal points of the image get relegated and massively distorted on the edges of the final image., so I ended up with many imagers where the sky of the driveway predominated. However, one of the images I thought did have some merit though on the face it the shot I captured was quite prosaic -  a shot from our decking of the dining room. Because there are door frames and windows their distortion adds a dynamic to the final image. If you look carefully you can see my distorted reflection on the left hand edge of the image. The whole thing looks like some weird cartoon animal with one eye open. Obviously there is quite learning curve here but I may try it again sometime in the future.

 I thought you might liker to see the original image so I have included it as my extra

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