Looking from a window above

Si drove up to the allotment this morning, and I decided to walk home.   Have no idea what inspired me - crazy thought that it was. 

You have no idea the things that go on  up there.  Yesterday was "Rhubarb Gate".     An elderly couple were spotted walking around sizing up the plots.  Apparently they had been on the site before - and asked to leave.   

Yesterday however, they were collecting sticks of rhubarb from various plots (our's included).   One plot holder approached them and they were quite rude and waved the knife (they had brought with them) at him to keep him away. 

Whilst being escorted from the site, with their arms full of stolen rhubarb, the wifey waved a stalk of rhubarb at the member and squealed "we are doing this for the greater good of humanity, if you don't want to be part of it, so be it".  ....

I mean, honestly, if they were doing it for some great cause and asked, then I'm pretty dang sure that everyone on site would have happily donated their rhubarb, but hell- if they are happy to walk in and out of people's plot and lift rhubarb, what else would they be happy to take. 

The police have been informed, and in light of the knife waving, they will be hunted down and hopefully have their hands chopped off, as is the way around here. 

The walk progressed, through the woods, still pretty with blue bells, and up along the smuggler's trail til I reached the main road.   I was slow and steady - I have a new app on my phone, and when I take a photo of a plant it tells me what it is.   Amazing.  I love  it. 

Then I found this hole in the wall, which is soooo pretty..  and stood and gazed through it from different angles, and then bimbled on my way. 

I had made it to 6060 steps when i ever so gratefully spotted Si pulling up ahead of me.   I was maybe 1/2 mile away from home so I don't think I did so bad. 

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