Spoon Shots

By spoonshots

The Pan Man

No, not Anpanman the bread based super hero. Not Pacman, the pill munching sphere. It's the Pan Man!

Pan is a leaf that this man sells, he fills the leaf with a variety of items, it could be spice, could be sweets, could be tobacco, wraps it up and puts it on a stick. You then wolf it down in one go and keep chewing. When you have had enough you spit it out.

Today was my first pan experience. I had a sweet one. It was nice, the pan has a certain flavour that makes it attractive to lots of people.

There are pan shops all over the place and they are all very small, and generally the Pan Man sits on a raised platform with his legs crossed, as you can see here. They all have a sign of a big green leaf. They also sell small packets of tobacco (see the colourful strips hanging down either side).

As well as creating my pan in super quick time he also has the best head wobble in Nepal. I think he might just be from India....

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