Spoon Shots

By spoonshots

Saddhu Tuesday

Another Tuesday, another Saddhu! This one looks like a younger version of last week's :-)

Random Nepal fact: Today we learnt that twins, when they have their weddings arranged, should be married to another set of twins*. Bonkers!

*Probably applies to just Newari people, but who knows?

Last night we got home to a house that was damp from all the concrete plastered on the outside wall (they dont wait until a house is finished before you move in around here). There was concrete sprayed on the work surface and on the cooker through the hole that they had made in the wall to support the bamboo scaffolding.

Let me write that again, it doesn't sound real:

There was concrete sprayed on the work surface and on the cooker through the hole that they had made in the wall to support the bamboo scaffolding.

Interesting times!

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