Flower Friday .: : Poppy

Sometimes called 'oriental' or 'opium' poppy. 
We planted this one in a pot last fall. I had to stand on a ladder to get this picture of it

I made six more masks and finished one quilt square today. I'm trading the masks for eggs which are in short supply unless you happen to have chickens. Kathy not only has chickens, but see extras for a shot she sent of her regular visitors. She says they wreak havoc with their patio but they are worth it for the entertainment value.

I successfully set up and invited our coffee group to a Zoom meeting after class this morning. It's not difficult to do if you know how to do it. If you don't, it is impossible...at least for this tech phobic person. What ever happened to the idea of an instruction manual? 

I did check out some tutorials on you tube but they either explained in excruciating detail something I already knew how to do, or they completely confused my already addled brain with six different ways to do it. I think this is often my problem with computer technology. It's hard enough to learn (and remember) one way of doing something.

Out battery permit has been submitted. Theoretically it takes two or three days to approve it. If that is the case, I will be quite impressed with the county which, while not exactly being known for efficiency, has had a lot of closures and disasters to deal with. It makes me wonder why they even require a permit, but no doubt they have their reasons. The first article of the season warning of a 'dangerous' fire season and listing  rules for creating a 'defensible' space around your home appeared in the paper this morning. I don't think I can handle clashing crises at this point.

A few more retail businesses will be allowed to open on a limited basis (online orders, curbside pick-up, social distancing, plastic partitions between workers and/or customers, etc.) . We can now order cocktails from restaurants to take home and drink in lonely splendor but we still can't get our hair cut....

We seem to be of the wine and beer generation between our parents and our children who all seem to be enjoying cocktails. Matt sent a picture of his kitchen counter littered with bottles of vodka, fancy Italian cherries, liqueurs, sparkling water and Lysol wipes! Welcome to the brave new world of remote learning and sheltering in place with college age children long overdue to go back to school....

I think I need a drink....

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