Rosemary for remembrance

The local deli did not deliver with our weekly Co-op order today. I expect they are having a bank holiday but thought they might have let us know they’d not fulfil the order then I’d have put it on the Co-op one. I was trying to support local business. Now #3 daughter is going to brave her shop to get us essentials as the Co-op didn’t have much. It will be good to see her but we are going to freeze in the garden on Sunday as it going back down to 5c.

We headed out for a 10 mile walk to Simonside. We met about 6 couples, all young - we had to do the leap into the heather as they didn’t. After all it’s us who are at risk not them.

We had a strange encounter- met a very chatty chap who had driven 80 mile round trip from Shields for his walk. He had trouble keeping physically distant too
but said he didn’t see the need as the virus couldn’t spread from person to person. He had done research. Apparently we all have these viruses already and it’s a plot by the govt to control us. He is going to do what he likes. They won’t stop him. The pictures of people on ventilators are all made up. None of it is real. The Bill Gates Foundation wants us all to have vaccines we don’t need so that he can make money from us.

We didn’t get a word in. He could have been an Alan Bennett monologue except even AB couldn’t have made him up.

Another dry day and I even got my legs out of their perpetual trouser casing.

This is the lemon drizzle cake we had on our return. It is VE Day so the rosemary is for that.

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