By lizzie_birkett

Thanks Dad ❤️

My Dad was a Desert Rat in the 8th Army mainly in North Africa and Greece. Luckily he was one who survived. By nature Dad was never a fighting man, he liked a peaceful life. He never spoke much about the war to us apart from showing us photos of him and his comrades in front of the Pyramids, or photos of the little black dog they 'adopted' for the time they were there.

I abbhor war but back then they did what they had to do to defeat Hitler and the Nazis so we could have the freedom to live as we do now.
It should have been a war to end all wars but sadly it still goes on, race against race, religion against religion, humans against other humans for whatever reason.

My Dad lost his brother Teddy in the war, he died in Feb 1944 when his ship, HMS Warwick was torpedoed off the Atlantic coast of Cornwall. He had only been married for 3 months.

I've heard some people say that those people who lived through the war would laugh at us now in lockdown, worrying about a flu that's going round and emptying shelves in supermarkets and how in wartime people got together and put up their own fight against the enemy.

Well, all I can say is - that was then. This is a completely different situation. Covid-19 is a deadly pandemic. Without lockdown many, many more people would have died.
We simply cannot all 'get together' because we must keep apart.
In the 1940's there were no supermarkets where people could load their trolleys sky high, you had to stand at the counter and ask for your provisions, which were rationed anyway.

However people are finding other ways to support each other in the crisis and there is a great community feel in our country.

Today is a lovely sunny day again, and I am enjoying my freedom to go for a walk if I want. We have enough food in the cupboard, a roof over our heads and I am grateful.

Enjoy the day and stay safe everyone. :-) x

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