Breathe In And Out...

By ScotNatureBoy

After the rain...

BACKBLIP from Tuesday. I have to set the scene for this pretty but not staggering sky photo. For the previous 25 minutes, I had been walking home in gale force wind-driven horizontal rain of the type that makes you think of waves on the sea. Lashing down. I was walking home from work (I've been walking this and last week rather than cycling or running as I am trying to give my body a chance to get over a heavy cold) and I was well dressed in waterproofs top and bottom, hat and waterproof cyclinng gloves. I was, admittedly, cosy enough, although the waves of spray from every passing lorry or car made me doubt my route choice. As I walked along, I remembered that I'd checked the BBC weather forecast for Stirling earlier and that the rain was supposed to pass over by 5pm. I turned around to look west and saw the most amazing strip of dark red sunset cloud peeking from behind the Gargunnock Hills, with the trailing edge of the storm I was in rapidly advancing. But as I thought about a blipfoto, I recalled that I had forgotten to charge my phone the night before AND left my charger at home. My phone had switched itself off an hour earlier with a "1% charge remaining" warning. And anyway, it was still lashing down and phones and rain make for a pretty one-sided play date. When the trailing edge of the storm passed over, the sky was lovely so I tried my phone and I managed to switch it on and take two photos before it died on me again. On the left of the photo, the passing storm is rolling away. As I said above, not a particularly stunning photo, but an enjoyable part of my day and, in fact, the best weather we had all day!

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