Red and yellow and orange...

Andy came back from the local farm shop with this collection of tomatoes. We used some of them to make a colourful salad for lunch.  We're having a goat's cheese and aparagus risotto for dinner so we might sprinkle a few of these little gems on top as a garnish.

I've had the day off work so have been having fun making yoghurt and pottering in the garden.  Last year I discovered a plant nursery at our local Buddhist centre and I got various plants from it including a basil and chilli.  They have been on the kitchen window sill all year and have done really well but the basil has got a bit woody.  So, this afternoon I took some cuttings from the basil to see if I can get some new plants from it.  I also repotted the chilli.  I have no idea if it will produce more chillis but we have had some last summer and then another lot this spring so I will try my luck and see!

Wishing you al well.

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