Golden hour

Mucking around with dance hip moves (in the privacy of my lounge) paid off. I left for my walk just before the golden hour, accentuated tonight by the brief appearance of the sun beneath the nor'west arch.

Look closely right of centre and you'll see Odin, the very attractive Rag Doll cat from the top of the swale. He's keeping an eye on the irrigation channel at the base of the stone wall he's on.

View him in the extras too.

The sunset was strong but I preferred the light just before the sun disappeared.

I'm not learning to dance. My physio recommended that I try some YouTube beginners zumba and belly dancing to help untangle my hip and lower back tightness.

I won't be giving up my day job any time soon.

Today's gratitude: For nailing a piece of work I've been wrestling with this week.

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