and through the wire...

By hesscat

It's A Dog Life

... for Jess, the cat. Despite having all characteristics of a cat, she has a fair few of dogs too.... which I began thinking about when going down for a wee seat. When she saw me from the top of the garden she bounded down the grass to join me... maybe she remembered sitting on this table the other day with us enjoying the sunset. But she wags her tail even when happy, has lower back sturdiness so strong you feel like you are patting a dog and like going walks with us. I guess it's her breed, with a body made for climbing and descending trees and they are known to crave company... it's just so pleasing to have a cat that you feel is glad to see you, not just so it can be fed :-) Our other cat Molly is like that, although when she decides to come sit on us, we feel so special.... jeez it's win win for these cats whatever they are like, what a life!

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