
By seddon

Milk time

I was in work today on the long day. I had quite a good day, was working with one of mums friends from her ward, and we had a busy but nice shift. The best part of the shift was that we extubated our patient - great for the patient, and it meant we could be a little more relaxed with PPE and wear a surgical mask instead of a fitted one. It made such a nice change to be able to breathe relatively easily, and I came home without a headache for the first time in 4 weeks.
Ben, Thomas and Chloe had a good day at home. He sent me lots of pictures of Thomas playing football outside and playing games on his ipad. Also some of Chloe stropping, she was apparently a bit of a monster, doing everything she knows she's not allowed to, and then crying when Ben told her no!
This picture came with a caption of 'seeing if this improves her mood!'

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