Rolling around
Thomas woke up this morning very excited because the tooth fairy did indeed visit him overnight.
We all had a very lazy morning, staying in bed watching TV, didn't do pe with Joe as we had only just had breakfast.
We did lots of school work with Thomas, he was very proud of his writing that he did about the first things he wants to do after lockdown is lifted. He wants such simple things- to go and see his family because he is missing them lots, to go to the park with his friends, and to help me with the food shopping. He doesn't even really like shopping! It made me a bit teary, he could have chosen anything, and at 5 years old all he wants is to see his family and friends...
This afternoon Thomas and Ben went playing football in the garden, Chloe was tearing around throwing her toys about and dancing, when she stopped, lay down and started rolling around! When I asked what she was doing she just laughed!!
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