Mam's Yard

A breezy day, mostly cloudy, but some warm sunny spells, and dry all day. 

Up early, again, and a morning around the house.  I nipped into the museum to drop off photo orders, even though I'm on holiday.  Some time in the garden again, and made a batch of comfrey juice, homemade plant food, and now wait for it to stew for 10 days.  Nipped down to mam's before tea.  Big Brian and Madeline yarned over the fence this evening, then walkies, before feet up by the fire.  Sadly we had another Coronavirus death today, but no new cases.  Seven deaths in total in Shetland now. 

This errands never seem to end, today it was a fish delivery for mam today.  To help reduce errands and our carbon footprint, I grew up growing our own on the croft.  Tatties, carrots, neeps, peas, onions, beetroo, strawberries, rhubarb etc was and still is grown here in mam's yard, although she needs less now that her four bairns have flown the nest.  Mam has the usual sowed, and waiting to do more, but a cold snap coming this weekend.  Mam and dad keep a very tidy yard.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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