More shadows.....

After an initial odd feeling when I first wake, these strange days pass well and I find plenty to do and am happily occupied. In no time at all it seems to be 4 o’clock and the evenings are now mostly ours. So, more shadows shared here today. Again so fleeting and even changing as they are captured.

Pilates was horrible! Too much core work (of course) and I felt really nauseous and today the session was nearly 1hr 45 mins. Our tutor is great at giving one to one which leaves the rest of us holding on tight!! Anyway, less of the moaning...

It was great to have a google chat with GK, G and SweetArt bringing the UAE, HK and UK together! Funny that this virus brings easy conversation as we’re all experiencing restrictions and repercussions. Not that we’re lost for words anyway.

Back to my wonderful sewing machine before dinner, a chat with my friend who is the mother of our four young friends... she’s finding things pretty hairy atm...then Zoom House Group meeting this evening.

I completely forgot to post my blip in all the busyness! So it’s tomorrow here now....

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