Another lovely sunny day. This afternoon I went for my walk on the Meadows. I had a lovely time running about and then I spotted a group of people who were playing cricket let's hope they were all from the same family and I stole the ball off them, so after Ann had captured me and taken the ball off me, I got put back on my lead. Boohoo................

Then we met Ann's friend, Susi, for a social distancing chat. And while the humans were chatting guess who I spotted wandering across the Meadows off his lead?.................. my little friend Archie, the Schnauzer. Archie doesn't really do playing. He was just trotting after JR in good dog mode and when Ann got her phone out to Blip us he immediately just sat down. What a good boy.

And as usual it was so lovely for my human to have a real live chat with other real live humans. Thank you Susi & JR.

…..............And now the News is full of how we are actually going to come out of this lock down thing............................... Hmmmmmm.......... Planning this must be an absolute nightmare for the 'powers that be'. However, all Ann wants to do.................. is get working again, get her house in Cornwall rented out again, and start earning some money again. None of which is likely to happen any time soon.

PS – Just wondering how opening up 'drive through Costa's' can actually be considered to be 'essential travel'?? Apparently there were 20 cars in a queue and a wait of 40 mins at the Cameron Toll drive through at the weekend. All for a coffee??!! Why? How on earth can buying a coffee be considered as 'essential travel'???? Grrrrrrrr...................

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