Going too fast

By palindromonida

Lost it

Today was "Fancy Dress Friday" both for Joe Wicks PE and Harriers. Harriers had been challenged to dress up by Bramhall Runners. They host a race on New Year's Eve every year, a few of us always dress up to match and they always award the prize to one man from their club. True to form a Bramhall Runner dressed as Scooby Doo won. His costumes was nothing compared to Macc's Dawn who ran as a MacDonalds Happy meal. I stress that this was alone around the streets of Mac.

My children disowned me. I did Joe Wicks alone and ran up the lane to get eggs, passing one man, who said 'There has to be a reason for that).

It was Vicky S's 50th. Her friends had organised a quiz. It worked really well as a zoom, much better than a general chat. However, I polished off too much wine.

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