Another Walk in Princes Street Gardens

On Thursday I managed to buy bananas, on Friday I was rewarded with eggs and today sourced flour. It reminds me of war time when there would be a rush to the local shop when the cry went out that such and such a food that was scarce was available to buy.

The splash of gin in my evening Ribena/tonic water concoction I have to hand seems to be instrumental in insuring a good night’s sleep. So much so that it’s becoming more of a struggle to get up and with Saturday appearing to be my new day of rest, I tarried a bit under the duvet but felt I had to get to the shop selling the flour as soon as it opened to prevent having to queue.

With the flour and oatmeal in my rucksack I kept walking and had another lovely trip through Princes Street Gardens under a deep blue sky and warm sunshine. The trouble was the minute I got home to have my morning coffee outside on the patio the clouds came and when they blotted out the sun it felt quite cold.

My social contacts are off the scale today- 3 phone calls, one passing neighbourly chat and a much longer chat with a friend at the required separation on the patio. It think we are all a bit fed up with the demise of our erstwhile lifestyle and eager to know what will happen in the future.
Meanwhile the Meadows are heaving with people exercising in whatever way they can while police patrol in twos lest anyone sit down.

I was surprised to see that the local Sainsbury’s had disposable barbecues on display and equally surprised that some idiot had not been antisocial enough to try and use one on the other side of the railings.

I couldn’t resist an extra photo of the empty streets in central Edinburgh. During my walks there I have been aghast at the number of AirBnB key locks attached to every stair on my route. I counted 6 on one entry alone. No wonder we have had so many case pullers clogging the pavements!

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