
....is free to give, but priceless to receive”.

This morning was beautiful; sunny & warm. I asked Tom if he wanted to go take our walk while it was nice out, & for the first time he said no, because he didn’t think he could make it around the block. His labs being so abnormal are taking a toll on him, and he’s been very tired lately & falls asleep easily. He told me to go without him, so I went, but I was really feeling down. The Dr. talked to us yesterday & made another adjustment on the meds. He’s hoping that if he can find the right balance between meds he’ll be able to stabilize the blood values & that Tom will start feeling better. I sure hope so. When I got back from my walk there was a box on the porch, full of these beautiful tulips, sent to Tom & I by a fellow blipper. The flowers really made our day & sending them was such a thoughtful, generous act of kindness which was, indeed, priceless to receive. Thanks again so very much!! (& you know who you are) :)))
And thanks to Anni/BikerBear for hosting FlowerFridays.

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