
Today has been strange, because it has been so good. 

I woke with the idea of doing a bit of laundry and ironing, plus a bit of Gaelic and Russian, but relaxing apart from that. The day went according to plan - quite something in itself. 

I had a bit of an epiphany while I was doing my Russian. I had translated a sentence from English into Russian, and reviewing it, realised it did not look right. The ending of the pronoun was wrong. Then I realised it was the Russian I learned 50 years ago telling me this pronoun was not quite right. I decided what was correct, and I changed it. 

Education is amazing. So are our brains.

The Blip is “dinner’, which was a bit of a revelation too - or at least a reminder of how enjoyable  simple things can be if the quality is good and we stop to think about it. Oatcakes, goat’s cheese and a wee bit of jam. 

I discovered this morning that Estonia (population 1.3m) holds the presidency of the United Nations’ Security Council this month. It joined the UN in September 1991, after independence was regained in August 1991. 

Mu isamaa on minu arm ("My Country is My Love") became the country’s unofficial anthem during the Soviet occupation, when its anthem from the pre-war Republic was banned.

Mu isamaa

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