May morning duckling
A fine May morning first thing, more or less, in Pollok Park, made sweeter by a decent nights sleep, the best in a long time. At first I thought this duckling was on its own, it wasn't, however it was quite a considerable distance from the mother who I almost fell over as she dozed on the shingly river bank. I fear her parenting skills are really not the best and the last time I saw this family there were two ducklings - about a week or so ago. I saw the lone merganser again and noticed how different the river looks from the other side of the bank, the north bank.
I met Ewan on my returning watching what made the river ripples, as I had done earlier. The answer in my case was fish, jumping for flies perhaps.
Coffee on return and a remarkably skilled drawing of Islay to admire, which Lorne had done and posted. I notice Islay was wearing her old collar.
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