Tom of the Wanderers

Meet Tom of the Wanderers. He was created in 1972 or 73 in my first year at teacher training college at Worcester. We had to create and write a book for a young reader using only 50 unique words with plenty of repetition.

The book came to light while sorting through all those magazines yesterday. It was sewn together, written with stencils with a mixture of hand drawn and collage type pictures. As I recollect, I didn’t get the highest of marks for it, unlike the author of Tommy the Nosey Triangle who gained much better marks.

It was a day when the weather went downhill, bright sunshine first thing meaning I could spent a couple of hours at the allotment hoeing up after yesterday’s rain. By the afternoon it was raining again leading to a wet walk.

It was the second Zoom Rock Choir session this evening, giving me another opportunity to mangle the Beatles’ “It’s a hard days night”

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