Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Sunset then Moon Rise

We spent most of the morning here at the house, so mid-day we decided to go for a drive and to do some lookey-lou-ing. We headed south a couple miles into Morro Bay. We found a consignment store we'd never gone into. It was so large, we decided to come back to it after walking across the street to Dorn's Restaurant for a bowl of clam chowder and a Cesar salad. Then we went back to the consignment store, and there saw a notice for a moving sale, so we drove a few blocks to the moving sale and Mr. Fun found some CDs. Then a few more stops at other stores, and back home.

After watching a stunning sunset, we decided to put the leashes on the pups and walk them to the shoreline. As we arrived at the beach we realized that from behind us the moon was about to rise over the hills. I wanted to get to a clearing where I could get a good photo, so Mr. Fun said he'd stay seated on the bench at the lookout with the pups while I went to get that perfect photo. BIG MISTAKE!

I took off walking in the dark away from the shore. The cement sidewalk ended at the street and I turned to walk a few steps to the south. In the darkness I could not see the lip of the first driveway. I tripped and immediately landed on my knees with my left knee taking the worst of it and then my hands (with my camera in my right hand) hit the ground next. I heard the camera crunch.

My knees and hands were hurting so bad, I wasn't much concerned with the camera. I didn't think I could get up. I reached in my pocket for my phone to call Mr. Fun. He was immediately on his way to find me and the damage.

Now my left knee is swollen and bruised. The heel of my right hand is missing quite a bit of skin and bled a bit and is now definitely sore. Actually my whole body aches.

And my camera . . . after putting some pressure on the lens that had been extended, because right before falling I was about to take a telephoto shot of the moon, Mr. Fun managed to get the lens to function again. Now a dark smudge is showing on the photos, so I'm not sure what is wrong or if it can be fixed.

So here's the sunset and not such a lovely photo of the moon rising from before my camera hit the ground. It is much better, though, than a shot of my knee or the heel of my right hand. Ugh!

Good night from Cayucos on California's Central Coast.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe, Mitzi, and Max), aka Carol

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