
By TexMama

Room with a View

The view from the window today :0) I walked by and there were the legs and feet right outside my window...it just shrieked "blip moment!"
The boys made a golf course outside today, it was a lot of fun watching them "build" it - working together, solving problems, so neat...then later I went out to hang washing and there were lawn chairs lined up on one side...one player came up and took his shot, and the other applauded politely - one of those times when you wish you had a video camera handy.
I did take several cute pics of them in their building phase but hadn't thought to throw the camera in the washing basket - silly me :0)
My neighbour, who is having her floor tiled throughout the entire house came over this afternoon to use the bathroom and couch, as she could use neither in her house :0) We sat out on the patio and enjoyed the beautiful weather (cloudy and 75) ...I hope it lasts a few days I could enjoy lots more of this.

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