
By LifeLines

Annual treat

A good weekend.  Saturday was spent doing work in the garden which involved moving the compost we had delivered this week into the back garden and spreading it onto the beds.  I also dug the flower bed under the kitchen window at the front of the house, in preparation for planting up once we can manage to buy plants from somewhere, some how.  On Sunday my exercise was spent at the allotment, planting out spinach, digging a bed I have had under cover for the last year and half to try to suppress the weeds, and generally pottering in the sunshine - all great fun.

The ariculas I keep in pots huddled in a shady corner of the garden, are now in full bloom.  Several years ago I had about eight different varieties but now it is down to two - this one with pink, red and yellow petals and another, in Extras, which has deep purple and pale yellow petals.  

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