Bluebell ....

..... wood.
Well it's really Kingwood woods, but just a mass of deliciously fragrant bluebells at present .
KJD , O and The Rev came to bring me shopping and a lovely cinnamon bun , made by one of the church friends , saying anyone passing the house on Saturday could pick up a hot C/ bun, what a lovely kind idea that was. So the family brought one round to me too , went down well with a cuppa and of course one of my jam tarts too!
It was great also to share midday prayers with them ( we did still have social distancing , with them in the garden and me just inside. )After all this I drove down to the woods where they took Daisy for a long walk and I just did a short stroll , it was more than enough for me . Being unstable on my feet it seems to make things harder . Still I'm glad I saw the bluebells . I've got to be satisfied with what I CAN do and not dwell on what I CAN' T.
Keep safe everyone and enjoy your day .

Grateful ...... for the beautiful sunshine and the dappled shade / shadows in the woods.

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