Perfformiad cyngerdd meistrolgar domestig

Perfformiad cyngerdd meistrolgar domestig ~ Virtuoso domestic concert performance

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Bob wythnos rydyn ni'n gwneud digon o gawl i bara'r wythnos.  Weithiau mae'n cyd-daro gydag amser i wneud bara.  Ac weithiau mae Nor'dzin yn penderfynu gwneud cacennau. Heddiw roedd e'n holl dri ar unwaith.  Helpais i dipyn bach gyda'r cawl, ond am weddill yr amser roedd e'n fel gwylio fel perfformiad wrth Nor'dzin arwain cerddorfa'r gegin, yn symud o'r naill beth i'r llall fel maen nhw angen. Roedd perfformiad llwyddiannus a nawr mae digon o fwyd gyda ni am yr wythnos i ddod.

Yn y prynhawn hwyr es i allan i ymosod un coeden arall. Y tro yma roedd hi coeden ysgawen a oedd yn cysgodi'r goeden afal.  Torrais i i lawr llawer o canghennau i ganiatáu mwy o olau. Dydw i ddim yn meddwl mae'r olaf o'r gwaith trwm. Efallai mae'r olaf o'r gwaith trwm brys ond mae Nor'dzin wedi nodi rhai coed arall sy angen sylw.

Yr amser hwn y llynedd doeddwn i ddim yn gwybod fy mod i'n cael roeddwn i'n mynd i ymddeol yn gynnar.  Wnes i ddim darganfod tan 1af o Fai fy mod i'n mynd i adael y gwaith erbyn y diwedd o Fai. Sut mae popeth wedi newid ers hynny.  Rydyn ni'n hapus iawn ac yn ddiolchgar i fod wedi ymddeol ac yn cael siawns i ganolbwyntio ar bethau Bwdist ac ein bywyd domestig.

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Every week we make enough soup to last the week. Sometimes it coincides with time to make bread. And sometimes Nor'dzin decides to make cakes. Today it was all three at once. I helped a little with the soup, but for the rest of the time it was like watching a performance as Nor'dzin led the kitchen orchestra, moving from one thing to the other as they needed. There was a successful performance and we now have enough food for the week ahead.

In the late afternoon I went out to attack one more tree. This time it was an elder tree that shaded the apple tree. I cut down many branches to allow more light. I don't think it's the last of the heavy work. Perhaps it's the last of the urgent heavy work, but Nor'dzin has pointed out some other trees that need attention.

This time last year I didn't know I was going to retire early. I didn't find out until May 1st that I was going to leave work by the end of May. How has everything changed since then. We are very happy and grateful to be retired and have the opportunity to focus on Buddhist things and our domestic life.

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