Jonathan on the bird bath
For the benefit of those of you who thought that, because I have two large herring gulls visiting my bird bath every day, it must be a super-sized bird bath. Nope. I haven't managed to photograph them both together yet. Mrs J is still a lot more nervous, especially when the bird bath rocks under their combined weight, and she soon flies off. Jonathan is an accustomed user and likes to survey his territory from this vantage point.
The rejected nest box also showed renewed signs of activity today. I'm not sure whether it's a new couple, or whether the previous pair are back for a second look.
Queued for a prescription at the surgery and then the pharmacy. Having worked for GPs for many years I have never been a fan of pieces of paper being waved around before medication can be issued. Our doctors usually had to be bribed with coffee and cake before they would sit down to signing their way through a box of prescriptions. In the days when prescriptions were hand written there were many incidences of receptionists slipping joke prescriptions into the pile, to see if a doctor would sign on
automatic pilot for things like bottles of wine and boxes of chocolates. Often they did. You were in dire trouble if you were found out, of course.
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