
By AnnieBScotland

Eco Soil

Monday is a routine office/keep fit day and wet too, today, so I was searching around the house for a blip when I reembered about this Eco Soil I picked up several months ago at Greewich Market. It comes in a packet like tiny beads, which you have to soak in water for about 6 hours and the beads grow to the size of about a large pearl. they are used as a water and soil substitute for flowers and plants, can be washed and last about 2 years.

When I saw them I thought they might make a useful prop so bought a packet, put them in the cupboard and forgot about them until today. I soaked a few for an idea I wanted to try, put them in a sieve to drain off the excess water, laid the sieve down and noticed that they effectively magnified the grid of the sieve, making an interesting pattern in itself, so here it is. No doubt the beads will feature again this week, especially as it is so bloomin cold and damp.

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