Daisies and dandelions

Today's the day ……………………… for all change

I love the way that dandelions take over the springtime yellow theme from the celandines and daffodils.  It seems unfair that everyone waxes lyrical about the last two, but no-one is ever very pleased to see the dandelions!  Although greengirl posted a lovely picture of them yesterday.

In another world B.C (before coronavirus), the archaeological dig to find the remains of Tongland Abbey, would have started yesterday just beyond the trees as shown in the extra.  How different things would have been.  One of the 'diggers' in the team was one of the victims of Covid-19 - and for a while she was very seriously ill in the Intensive Care Unit of our local hospital.  I'm happy to say that she managed to pull through - and although she is still recovering in hospital, she is very much on the mend.

One of the happier outcomes of this terrible virus …………………..  

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