Bouquet ....

..... of flowers
These were send to me yesterday by my grandson , so kind .
A lovely bright day but breezy and getting chilly now ( 6pm) .
Had a Zoom coffee morning with a group from church , then midday prayers with another church , and yet another prayer virtual meeting my friend and I set up a month ago. All really good meetings , thank you all who arranged them.
This afternoon I got rid of some " junk" and tidied a couple of cupboards , so was a productive afternoon.
Tonight I hope to catch - up by phone with a friend from Ireland , then the rest of the evening will be TV catch - up time.
Stay safe folks.

Grateful .... for the virtual meeting time today.

R. I. P. To the Para - Medic who died from the virus today. May he rise in glory.

Correction - - - I was beaten to it ... I've just had a wonderful half an hours called from my S. Ireland blip friend , such a lovely lovely lady , a real pleasure to know her .

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