River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: KISS Principle ...

... is how we're trying to live now https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/kiss-keep-it-simple-stupid-a-design-principle - simplicity!!
Cleared a patch of ground behind the garage to lay the "Bee Mat", as I was pulling weeds up they were going into a large tub, topped the weeds off with grass clippings and have put some black plastic on for new. In a couple of days time I'll put a few inches of compost and plant my peas, reducing the amount of compost which is in short supply here in my garden.
The other plants in today's blip, wild garlic, alpine strawberry flowers & the only courgette which germinated.
Started off a few more seeds: 2 types of courgette "Striato d'Italia" & "Yellow Bush Custard"; 2 types of cucumber "Cornichon de Paris" & "Lemon"; Kale "Hebridean Asparagus" https://theunconventionalgardener.com/blog/tuesday-october-29-2002/ - from the seed swap; Dill & Coriander; Candytuft & dwarf Morning Glory - small amounts of everything because it's getting very crowded in the greenhouse. Everything is doing very well so far ...
Small blue butterfly on forget me not.
Made a carrot cake using a recipe from Grow, Cook, Eat - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/4912066 - whisking eggs, adding oil & all the dry ingredients 
tastes delicious and not too sweet :-))
MrD & I love watching race Across the World https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0002tvs 
Stay healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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