Goodbye beach!

Okay so I'm being a bit dramatic but anyone who knows me knows that's nothing new. it's just the way I am. I lovedthis wonderful place! I didn't want to leave. This morning as I sat on the upper patio, taking this last photo before I had to head for the airport and I tried to suck it all in one last time. A friend of mind made as suggestion. He said, 'why not record the sights and sounds on your ipad in a short video and whenever you feel stressed just hit the play button'. Brilliant idea! It did it. Now I have a full two minutes of not only seeing the beach, the trees, the intensely blue skies, but I can hear all the sounds as well. The birds (there were so many different birds!), the monkeys, the wind, the waves, I have it all now not only in my memory but on my ipad.
It was a long day of travel...I'm pretty tired but seeing my grandchidren when I got home made me realize how lucky I am. I got the best hugs and kisses ever! I really do think they missed me. Yes, it feels good to be home. However I am alreayd planning my next adventure. I enjoy the dreaming and planning almost as much as the doing.

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