By lizzie_birkett

The Train...

...passes through Hellifield on its journey from Carlisle to Leeds and back, regularly but without any passengers.
I look forward to the day I can board it and take the beautiful journey up north to visit the kids and grandkids.

It took me a while to get going today. After lunch I tried out a pattern to make a trial face mask, it's OK but needs some adjustment. I had to trace the pattern off the iPad screen and it kept moving. I'll get it right tomorrow.

Frank has been busy today. He went back to the boat to clean up after the repairs to the chimney and flue pipe. Then he came home and mixed cement for the little retaining wall and 2 steps he is going to build at far end of the garden. Then he bottled the beer he brewed.

We did Facetime with Amelia and Lucy tonight (and their Mum and Dad of course!) They were so funny. As usual when Lucy saw me, the first thing she said was 'Where's Granndad?' She makes no secret of the fact that he is her favourite. I don't mind, I think it's cute especially as he is not blood related! Often when we have arrived at their house I have held my arms out to greet her and she has run right past me into Granddad's arms and then from his embrace said 'Hi Grandma'.
When she was a baby she used to cry when she saw him!
I find Facetime better than Zoom as there is no delay.

The lace arrived for the boat curtains and also another parcel which I thought would be the Mod Podge varnish. We thought it was a bit odd that the name on the package wasn't mine but the postcode was correct. I opened it anyway only to find a cheap and nasty bottle of aftershave - it doesn't even have a brand name of any kind on it. I parcelled it up again and will give it to the Hermes man.

Does anyone else feel that time is whizzing by? You'd think it would seem slow when we're in lockdown bit it doesn't seem like a week since last weekend.

Thanks for all your kind words, stars and hearts. Blip is such a lovely place to be, especially in these times.

Goodnight, stay safe my friends.


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