Take your pick

After a morning of painting it was time for some exercise. 

Lots of subjects to photograph. A squirrel perched up a Beech tree checking out the trespassers below. Birds tantalising me with their song but not staying still for a photo. A padlocked gate was causing problems for one lady with a knee problem and so they turned back. I then met Jean who had hurt her knee on a walk. Fortunately husband George had gone for the car and I kept her company until her knight in shining armour returned.

Further along I encountered this Orange Tip enjoying a break on this Honesty plant. I hadn’t realise until I got back that I had caught it in flight too.

Once home our youngest rang to say he was coming home from university.  He has been self isolating to ensure he doesn’t have the virus. He has been on his own in his shared house ( his friends have all gradually left) so I think he will enjoy having some company.

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