
So I found mesen in one of Tim Burgess' listening parties on Twitter last night, at 10pm I fired up New Order's 'Power, Corruption & Lies' album and then watched all the comments from worldwide listeners come in in real-time as it were. It was pretty involving, Stephen Morris was commenting and offering anecdotes all the while as were Kevin Cummins and Dave Haslam. There was even an 'encore' of Blue Monday which conceptually was quite brilliant.

So....I'd bought PCL earlier in the year, the year being 1985, from Hull's premier record shop Sydney Scarborough (underneath the City Hall, as it used to say on their carrier bags), I was 16, in the sixth form by then, and getting into what was then deemed 'alternative' music. Sunday night, 22nd December, round at a party at Lisa Noble's house, I'm wearing a baggy red paisley shirt which I thought was The Shit at the time, my mate Jon Hunt is there and I've got work in the morning, pre-Christmas overtime shelf-stacking at Grandways (most of my pals worked at the bigger Boothferry Park branch, the one directly underneath the North Stand at Hull City's ground , but I was at the Anlaby one, used to hate the manager, he was about to retire, got on well with the deputy manager tho', hoping it was him on in the morning, but watching my cider intake just in case). Jon was off in town in the morning so I just said "If I give you twenty quid can you get me some records, you know what I like, and bring 'em round after tea or I'll come and get 'em".

So, cut to Monday night, Jon bobs round after tea and after I get in from a hard day on the shop floor, with a Sydney Scarborough bag containing my vinyl.

1) New Order - Low Life  (I'd already got it on tape after bozzing it off Hailey Sylvester earlier in the year but now I had the real thing for mesen), sweet...with the wraparound tracing paper printed outer sleeve that was just the coolest thing around - plus they'd put The Drummer on the front!

2) New Order - Movement. Nice thick card sleeve, back catalogue stuff innit.

3) The Cure - The Head On The Door. Never bought a Cure album in me life 'til then. I knew the singles and liked them. He had daft hair and always amused me on Top Of The Pops. That was enough for me.

Nowt to do with nowt all that but it was summat I could not for the life of me condense into 140 characters last night.

Anyway, today....woke up with the cat for once, he usually shuns me like the plague. Up and at it, busy in the kitchen whilst the rest of the house slept. Turbo sesh #20.

Today's Playlist


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