Sign of the times

When we had a family Zoom gathering this afternoon, the first thing our youngest grandaughter said was - 'You look nice grandma'. She had of course noticed that I was wearing a hair clip, something I had not worn since I was a child, but now need as my fringe is far too long. When will we we able to go to a hairdresser - if they are still in business that is anyway? 

Our granddaughter wears clips all the time, which is why she noticed, and she has a huge collection. She showed me how to wear them, but although I had to buy this set, I am not sure I will be wearing some of them. She would love them.

It was great to see everyone, although the girls soon disappeared as they had a paddling pool out. It was funny how much of the talk was about cooking, now everyone has time for it. Our younger daughter 'trapped in Cornwall' is doing a lot of experimenting with what she has and posts on Instagram regularly with her recipes. I ordered North Uist smoked salmon for them for Easter. They were very surprised when it arrived and now she is trying out different ways of using it. 

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