Worse for Wear

3years 98days

This is not a happy looking snowman, that I accept as truth. Just like I accept that this is not an inspiring nor imaginative photograph, but we wanted to record our snowman's existance. He looked a lot healthier - more rotund, more possessing of features such as eyes (plastic blueberries), nose (plastic asparagus), buttons and mouth (stones), arms (usual sticks) and the token but essential scarf (who wants a man of ice to be cold, after all). When we went to bed, Monsieur Snowman was a further foot taller too. The photo this morning is what a night of rain did to the poor soul. Right after I'd taken the photo, Katie tried to put his eyes back on. Instead, his head fell off.

We've had a wonderufl day together. We went to Church with the Cousins. Katie did biscuit decorating in girls' group, danced like a nutter, and apparently giggled hilariously at biting the head off her biscuit men. She drew a picture of Granny and Grandad (who were the people she chose to put on the prayer wall)

After Church, the Cousins dropped us to town. Mummy needed to buy some more tulle for a tutu for one of her nursery friends for tomorrow's Australia Day. We then walked to the swimming pool and spent a wonderful 2 hours in there. She did some fantastic underwater swimming - jumping off the side and swimming almost the full width of the pool. She did some good star floats, barrel rolls off the floaty mat and a lot of chasing of the toy ducks. I've missed going in the pool with her this past term and will be going a lot more, her and I again.

We then walked to the supermarket, her nearly falling asleep as we went. She ate a huge stack of food as we went round, in a bid to keep her awake. Despite the amount already consumed, she still ate a huge stack of tea when we got home, before having a large picnic with all of her dolls.

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