I ran out of loo roll centres this afternoon
as one does when sowing sweetcorn seed, so had to make some paper tubes. Sweetcorn roots don't like to be disturbed. Fussy beggars!! The seed packet was a tad mouldy so I hope the seed are okay, I shall be keeping a beady eye on them, 7-10 days for germination. I've no idea where I'll be able to get more seed if these don't take. :- ( I had a good crop last year. C'est la vie!
Laundry on the line early, I got carried away and started cleaning down the kitchen cabinets, then remembered it was a rainy day job. Phew! That was close!!!! Plan B ... .sow the beans in cells. Compost was up the plot. . .. so off I went .. gave everything a good watering. Hubby arrived to check if his handiwork of yesterday was a success. What a fabulous day it's been again today. Lunch outside in the sunshine .. love it!! Then to the greenhouse, 2 varieties of saved runner bean seed from last year, 'White Lady' one, the other I'm unsure. Borlotti beans, & tomorrow haricot type beans. :- ) Sweetcorn, & French marigold. It's good to plant marigolds next to the beans, the idea is they repel black fly & greenfly. I like the idea of planting some colourful flowers among the veggies as well.
I've measured all the raised beds, making it easy for me to plan exactly how many seed/plants to grow for each bed. they're not all the same size as I've made them up with free bits of timber, so it's not quite as straight forward as it might have been. All sown, labelled, & watered .. I'm running out of space in the greenhouse.
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