While I've been busy up on the plot
the flowers have been bursting into bloom back at the house. These iris were a lovely surprise last year, planted by the previous tenant I presume, out again today. The tulips are looking fab, orange, purple, red & yellow stripey, plus a real beauty, its spiky pink, cream, & green petaled, starts pale on day one, day two the colours darken, day three .. wow!
Another day on the plot, a few folks up thee today, silence shattered by rotivators & cultivators.. Good Friday is THE day to plant your seed potatoes .. I planted mine on Good Wednesday 2 weeks back.. The sun was warm, the birdsong sweet, when I could hear it. Does that sound like cultivator envy?? LOL!! Colin a near plot neighbour had his rotivator stolen from his shed a couple of years back. Today he arrived with a shiny new cultivator .. Like a kid with a new toy. I'd never seen him so animated. Jim one side of me, Stuart the other, both know hubby, who turned up full of the joys of Spring .. not!!They were both pulling his leg, & trying to wind him up. We have fixed guttering to another shed, another Stuart helped me out yesterday, sawing the top off a big blue plastic container, making another water butt. Amazing what you can do with empty film roll canisters & Gorilla glue. I left hubby unsupervised, he gives me the heebie-jebbies when he's working with tools. The outcome normally involves sticky plasters, sometimes more. Now the plot is ready I need to sow more seed. French, Borlotti, Haricot & runner bean,That's on my list of 'To do' for tomorrow. The yellow pear tomato seed are beginning to germinate .. :- )
I've just Googled Sutton's seed website - this was their awaiting message.
" Your queue number: 736417
Number of users in queue ahead of you: 369
Expected arrival time on the website: 21:49
Your estimated wait time is: 5 minutes" .. Covid 19 times ... Gardeners everywhere desperate to find seed, compost, gardening sundries suppliers. I feel sorry for the small growers, that focus on their main income coming from spring/ summer bedding plants ..
Thanks to Anni/BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday
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