Lockdown bookworm

#3 Daughter sent these photos which I’ve put in a collage. - for the last 2 days Nathaniel has had his nose in a book, having got himself into “big boys’ books” and has read 3 Pokemon ones. It’s ironic that his mum who was not known as a reader, has now got two avid readers, whereas #2 daughter, the constant reader, has Thomas who only wants to read in order to accumulate information about animals, birds and nature. James can’t read in his head yet, but reads aloud with expression so maybe there’s hope for her with him!

it’s been a glorious day of sun but cool as it was windy. Mr C got the last bed ready for planting and I had a short 3.5 mile walk. I’m upset to see a lot of extra cars parked at houses on the street. So much for observing the rules. But as members of the government don’t adhere to them it’s hardly surprising,

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