Country File

By marypot

The Princess School of Baking

1 Lick fingers and spoons as often as possible
2 Get as much syrup and butter in your hair as you can
3 Make cookies which are either the size of boulders or grains of sand
4 Decorate the floor with flour

Another PJ day, for me at least, after another very broken night. The girls at least put princess dresses on top of their nightwear today.

Much of the snow has gone over the past 24 hours but has been replaced with torrential rain and a howling wind that blew over the overflowing recycle bin this morning (there followed an interesting game of chase outside as we gathered everything back in).

Not the weather to play out in anyway so the afternoon was filled with Wii games. Meanwhile I managed to get a two hour nap in this afternoon when Arwen slept. She ended up having three hours' sleep dosed up on calpol and we had to wake her up in the end. Hmm. Day night reversal could set in if I'm not careful!

Adventure of the day was Grace's spectacular head first tumble down the stairs. Luckily I was walking past the staircase and so was able to run up and catch her half way down before any serious damage was done and she escaped with a bloody nose and a carpet burned knee and cheek. Certainly a heart in the mouth moment.
27/365 completed!

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