I broke out of the house today and went to the local farmers market. I got some fresh picked strawberries and two melons. It felt almost normal to walk among the fresh produce and not rush. I also purchased these petunias to make a hanging basket and to add to a basket I already have that has white petunias blooming from last year! A grocery store trip too which was not as anxiety filled as previous trips.
I am done with the fear of catching or spreading this virus. Over 21 days here at home with only 2 cases that can be found in the postal zip code that I live and we have a large rural area here. I think the people I saw today at the farmers market and grocery store are feeling the same as me. Our state numbers are still low compared to other areas.
My LockdownTop10 ( or 50!) song Alone
It was really hard to chose who got hearts for this weeks Tiny Tuesday. There were so many blippers who used their creativity in finding and photographing items for the prompt " Smaller than an Egg".
So here they are...
Tedwin That cute little dragon egg!
Evolybab The beautiful pearl egg!
Carolinav Those cute little rock eggs!
Frani Those sweet handpainted eggs
JanJen A beautiful butterfly on an egg
An extra invisible heart for doyley22 for her homemade chocolate heart from someone special!!! I want one!
Thanks to all who participated. Next week TT255 the prompt is Button, find the most elaborate button on your clothes or in your button box. Or in your house. Looking for something out of the ordinary!
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