twinned with trumpton


Yeah, I might have done this one before. 

A better day than the previous.

Tired and still getting battered by soaring temperatures but the cough never got beyond annoyingly tickley throat and no deeper.

I spent time on Whatsapp to my brothers and also got in touch with my cousin who works for NHS24; she offered to 'fast track' me if required and offered useful insight (that she knew of loads of examples of CV symptons that had gone only to return with vengeance; also loads of other examples of people who got hit once but then immediately in their weakened state picked up a chest infection; so either option seemed plausible. If green gunk appears soon, I'll know, but suspect the former to be the case.)

But more low key exhausted herding of boys through injections and meals. To be fair they've been brilliant; largely compliant in what is a shit situation for them too. 

One to mark up as an improvement.

Thanks for the good wishes too, people. I shall sift back through in due course and respond directly.

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