Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Wednesday — Orange!

Our granddaughter Ashly sent us this photo of 9 month old RJ reaching to grip orange and lemon slices that are floating in water.

We both got a chuckle because of the overdose of orange — his little outfit, the towel on the floor to catch and soak-up the liquid, and the slices are orange.

We continue to be amazed and delighted at Ashly’s ability to keep RJ busy and not put a technology device in his hands to entertain him. Because Ashly is a teacher of severely handicapped high school students, she is not expected to be teaching her students online during this current “shut-down” of the schools. Her students, for the most part, do not use computers. So she has the time now that schools are not meeting to give her full attention to RJ.

I honestly can’t imagine what teachers are doing who are shut-in at home with one, two or who knows how many of their own children to be caring for without a helper and they also must be teaching online.

We are “sheltering” at home and I’m trying to get some paperwork filed and organized, but I can honestly confess that I am not getting as much done as I’d like to — I haven’t yet cleaned-out and organized my closet or wiped the shelves in the kitchen cupboards.

This is our third day in-a-row of rain (that seldom happens in Southern California). When the rain stops, I need to get my shed organized. I have plenty to do, but I am thoroughly enjoying the “slowed-down” time and the relaxation because we “have to stay home.” I’m viewing it more as “getting to stay home.”

Good night,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi

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