Date Night!

Ella and Nathaniel love their pretend games - he is always called Daniel and she is Kate. Usually it is boarding school (Enid Blyton effect) or Superheroes (zapping the virus). But last night they told their mum they were going to pretend to go on a date. So they disappeared into their respective rooms to get ready and at the appointed time appeared at the top of the stairs to walk down arm in arm. They were going for a Chinese meal and their Mum joined in by being the waitress. They were well-prepared and even left her a tip!

Today the temperature was down to 5 degrees and the cloud was low. We both did inside jobs. I did a bit of knitting and caught up with In Our Time podcasts. The Covenanters. We did it at school so at least I knew what they were talking about unlike some scientific ones.

A few friends called for FaceTime and Thomas called to say the blue tits were taking little twigs into the nesting box. Apparently the sparrow hawk is resident on the street.

Laithwaithes have delivered. We may not have bread but we do have wine!

It will be a very different Easter this year for everyone. Usually we have the children for an egg hunt, painting hardboilded eggs to roll down the hill and I even cook them all roast lamb. I hope you will enjoy your weekend whatever you do.

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