Little Miss.

In difficult times there is nothing like the disarming smile of a child!  So here is Little Miss smiling just because. ....... she can!

Yesterday was full on in lockdown. The phone was red hot from the moment we got up (rather late these days!). We try to phone our elderly relatives / friends every few days and yesterday we did just that and spoke to quite a few. Plus we had calls too, just to make sure we were ok. Mr Tbay also had a few phone calls to make to the YFC employees to see if they are ok and happy in their work. 

I spent the morning cooking in preparation for our gathering this evening to celebrate the late Mr H’s birthday. Feelings are still very raw and it was felt that doing this would be nice. So I tailored the menu around his favourite dishes! So we started with a chicken and ham pie followed by ice cream and finished off with a nice bit of Stilton and of course port to go with it.

A very lovely evening enjoyed by all. I may have a wee bit of a hangover in the morning!

My other achievements were to get a window and external door painted and finished off. Only 8 more to go! However if the weather holds I am hoping to motor on with this.

No more lambs today. They are certainly crossing their legs.

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