
By LifeLines

Looking Back

Looking back toward the village and our house - this is the view from one of the fields where we walk Merlin most days.  It is hard to see but if you look closely it is possible to detect the green hue of the bud burst on the oak trees.  It has been almost 20 degrees today and it felt as though , if you looked very carefully and for long enough, you could nearly see the green leaves unfolding from their tightly closed buds.  The birds sang high in the sky and the white blossom beamed brightly.  This evening as the sun dropped, a mist formed over the landscape as the cool air rolled in.  In the morning when I wake, I will look out from the bedroom window back to where I stood to take this photo.  It is a view I treasure, whatever the season, but especially now as spring unfolds.

Hoping your day had had some sunshine in it.  Take care and wishing you all well.

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